Social Platforms for Your Business

Social media is huge right now, a single post can make or break a company, but how do you decide which platforms are right for your business? We have a few questions to ask your self below to make sure you’re advertising where you need to.


  1. Instagram: Do I have a visual element to my business? Is our product something consumers will be interested in seeing pictures of? If you answered yes to these then you DEFINITELY need to be on Instagram. Instagram is all about the pictures and short captions. Any company that has a visually appealing product, like a bakery, can succeed on Instagram. Products like ATMs that are not as visually appealing do not need Instagram.
  2. Twitter: Do you have events? Do you have something to say? One of the best aspects of Twitter is following events and watching them transpire, like the Frye Festival or Super Bowl. Live Tweeting is a common phenomenon where people tweet as an event unfolds. If you can get in on these sort of conversations, you’re golden. Otherwise, Twitter is a great place for short thoughts like quotes that align with your business.
  3. Facebook: Do I have something to say? I bet most people said yes to this simple question and that’s because Facebook is really the catch-all of social media platforms. It’s been around the longest, so it has a larger demographic and can be utilized in multiple ways. Businesses can post pictures, videos, long statements, menus and basic business information. Really, all businesses should be on Facebook.
  4. Pinterest: Is my product visually appealing? Is my product used in crafts, DIY products, or recipes? If yes, then definitely! Pinterest is sort of like Instagram, except more where people go to be inspired, whether that is with a home improvement project, a new recipe, event planning, or styling new outfits. Anything in this realm can be very successful on Pinterest, but do not, it is used far more frequently by females than males.
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